Grimskull - Gathering Shadows 🇳🇴

Gathering Shadows
Heavy Metal

🇪🇸 Con la más que notable referencia de la NWOBHM se presenta el disco de la banda noruega @Grimskull que de manera notable aporta una nueva vuelta al estilo, a ese Heavy Metal tan característico que abordaron bandas como Iron Maiden o Saxon entre otros.

Me he quedado un poco impactado de la naturaleza de la banda, no por ser noruegos si no, que con tan solo 3 miembros dominan de una manera tan ejemplar el estilo que se me hace raro, pero así parece ser.

De los sonidos que aportan destacar enormemente ese bajo que me parece increíble sonando como el mismísimo Steve Harris, magistral ese sonido tan característico que con tanta presencia no eclipsa a la guitarra ni a la gran voz.

8 temas que cuenta incluso con un sonido tan especial de aquellas Girlschool que tanto gustaron y que siguen demostrando a día de hoy; creo que la banda noruega es una gran elección en el género y que sin duda no te van a dejar indiferentes.


🇬🇧 With the more than notable reference of the NWOBHM, the album of the Norwegian band @Grimskull is presented, which in a notable way brings a new turn to the style, to that Heavy Metal so characteristic that bands like Iron Maiden or Saxon tackled among others.

I have been a little shocked by the nature of the band, not because they are Norwegian but because with only 3 members they dominate in such an exemplary way the style that seems strange to me, but that seems to be the case.

Of the sounds that they contribute, I must highlight enormously that bass that I find incredible sounding like Steve Harris himself, masterful that characteristic sound that with so much presence does not eclipse the guitar or the great voice.

8 songs that even have a very special sound of those Girlschool that were so popular and that continue to demonstrate today; I think that the Norwegian band is a great choice in the genre and that without a doubt will not leave you indifferent.

Enjoy them!!!

#HeavyMetal #NWOBHM #Metal #MetalForever #Norway #Grimskull #GatheringShadows #NadaHayBajoElSol
