New Horizon
Melodic Power Metal
Desde Suecia la banda New Horizon con un discazo que he tenido la gran suerte de disfrutar.
Se trata de Power Metal Mel贸dico de gran calidad donde la voz masculina de Amaranthe, Nils Molin pone un nuevo registro a la banda aportando esos matices que la voz tan caracter铆stica de Nils, tiene.
Con todo esto me asalta una diatriba, si realmente es Power Metal o es una concepci贸n de un gran Hard Rock adaptado al Power Metal con una bater铆a poderosa y grandes ritmos porque creo que la conceptualizaci贸n del disco a nivel mel贸dico y conductual surca los cauces del Hard Rock. Es una visi贸n totalmente subjetiva pero que me hace plantearme detalles en cuanto a la gran y nueva corriente que existe en Suecia hacia el Hard Rock y el AOR.
Por 煤ltimo, me he de quedar con una grand铆sima versi贸n de un tema de los brit谩nicos Iron Maiden, un tema ic贸nico ya que se trata de m谩s de 8 minutazos de canci贸n que la banda dispuso como final de disco y que tienen en muy buena estima los seguidores de la misma, se trata de Alexander The Great, que da colof贸n al disco de los suecos. Es el tema final en una serie de registros surcando la historia.
Os animo a disfrutar de un m谩s que notable disco.
From Sweden, the band @newhorizonband with a great album that I have had the great luck to enjoy.
It is a high quality Melodic Power Metal where the male voice of Amaranthe, Nils Molin, gives the band a new register, providing those nuances that Nils's characteristic voice has.
With all this, a diatribe assails me, whether it really is Power Metal or is a conception of a great Hard Rock adapted to Power Metal with a powerful drum and great rhythms because I think that the conceptualization of the album at a melodic and behavioral level flows through the channels of Hard Rock. It is a totally subjective vision but it makes me think about details regarding the great and new current that exists in Sweden towards Hard Rock and AOR. Finally, I have to mention a great version of a song by the British band Iron Maiden, an iconic song since it is more than 8 minutes long, which the band used as the end of the album and which is highly regarded by its fans. It is Alexander The Great, which is the culmination of the album by the Swedes. It is the final song in a series of records throughout history.
I encourage you to enjoy a more than remarkable album.
#PowerMetal #MelodicPowerMetal #Metal #MetalForever #Sweeden #NewHorizon #Conquerors #NadaHayBajoElSol
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