Hell Riders
Rising Phoenix
Heavy Metal
Pocas cosas hacen falta para disfrutar de buen Heavy Metal, no necesitas un gran sonido, si un sentimiento y una melodía que te ahonde y te lleve por senderos del Metal.
Que gran tarde he pasado con la banda del Norte de Italia @hellridersheavymetalband Hell Riders Heavy Metal Band, sin duda una de esas que te hace rememorar el Heavy Metal puro con melodías, guitarras afiladas, buenos riffs, estribillos pegadizos y una necesidad imperiosa de cantar a su lado o junto a ellos.
Sin sonar muy plásticos, sino, teniendo ese ruido tan característico de las bandas del gran auge ochentero del Heavy Metal que las hacía sonar tan características como si fueran al descubierto con todos sus sonidos acercando lo que es el buen Metal a quien se acerca a ellos.
Lo dicho, he disfrutado tan enormemente que la banda italiano-suiza merece un capítulo especial, merecen el reconocimiento de seguir con, como dirían los magníficos Warcry, "El Trono del Metal".
Disfrutad porque estos sonidos son cada vez más denostados y no son nada accesibles.
Few things are needed to enjoy good Heavy Metal, you don't need a great sound, you need a feeling and a melody that deepens you and takes you along Metal paths.
What a great afternoon I spent with the band from Northern Italy @hellridersheavymetalband Hell Riders Heavy Metal Band, without a doubt one of those that makes you remember pure Heavy Metal with melodies, sharp guitars, good riffs, catchy choruses and an urgent need to sing at their side or next to them.
Without sounding very plastic, but rather, having that noise so characteristic of the bands of the great eighties boom of Heavy Metal that made them sound as characteristic as if they were revealed with all their sounds, bringing what good Metal is to those who approach them. .
That said, I have enjoyed it so enormously that the Italian-Swiss band deserves a special chapter, they deserve the recognition of continuing with, as the magnificent Warcry would say, "The Throne of Metal".
Enjoy because these sounds are increasingly reviled and are not accessible at all.
#HeavyMetal #ClassicHeavy #ClassicMetal #Metal #MetalForever #ItalianMetal #SuisseMetal #Italy #Switzerland #HellRiders #RisingPhoenix #NadaHayBajoElSol
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