Glimpse of the Dawn
Hard/Prog Rock
Que maravilla disfrutar de sonidos setenteros y ochenteros que calaron tan hondo,
Sonidos de teclado de Deep Purple o Rainbow, de guitarra como Uriah Heep o ambientaciones cercanas a Jethro Tull, cuanto de bueno en un grupo y en un disco.
La banda australiana Tarot - Australia te sumerge en tiempos pasados que fueron increíblemente productivos en lo que al Hard Rock supone.
El disco es una clara declaración de intenciones de aquel sonido con toques stoner que tienen mucha personalidad y esa parte progresiva que maravilla (los teclados me llevan a esos españoles Triana), bufff, pelos como escarpias.
Un bajo que dimensiona de tal manera la obra en la que estas sumergido que dota de gran carácter.
How wonderful to enjoy seventies and eighties sounds that penetrated so deeply,
Keyboard sounds from Deep Purple or Rainbow, guitar sounds like Uriah Heep or settings close to Jethro Tull, how much good there is in a group and on an album.
The Australian band Tarot - Australia immerses you in times past that were incredibly productive as far as Hard Rock is concerned.
The album is a clear declaration of intentions of that sound with stoner touches that have a lot of personality and that progressive part that is amazing (the keyboards take me to those Spanish Triana), bufff, hair like hooks.
A bass that sizing the work in which you are immersed in such a way that it provides great character.
#ProgRock #HardRock #ProgressiveRock #Stoner #Rock #Australia #Tarot #GlimpseOfTheDawn #NadaHayBajoElSol
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