Leviathan Project
Heavy Metal
Con las raices de un Heavy Metal de corte clásico magníficamente elaborado y con un elenco increíble de músicos se puede realizar un proyectazo y un disco como el que maneja Leviathan Project.
Juntar la magnífica voz de Tim "Ripper" Owens que lo que toca triunfa, Vinny Appice que sigue el estilazo que impulsaba en Black Sabbath, Bobby Koelble con el empaque que le impulsó estar en Death, Matt Nardo y Tom Kay.
Sin duda es un increíble acierto porque suena a ese Hevay Metal que tanto poso tiene con un juego de voz característico, sonidos densos, a la par que una invitación clara a mover la cabellera
Disfrutad de los 12 temas desenfrenado, duros, potentes e inconfundibles de buenísimo Heavy Metal, recordando por momentos a Black Sabbath o a Dio, que más se puede pedir.
With the roots of a magnificently crafted classic Heavy Metal and with an incredible cast of musicians, a great project and an album like the one managed by Leviathan Project can be made.
Bring together the magnificent voice of Tim "Ripper" Owens who succeeds in what he plays, Vinny Appice who follows the great style that he promoted in Black Sabbath, Bobby Koelble with the packaging that inspired him to be in Death, Matt Nardo and Tom Kay.
Without a doubt it is an incredible success because it sounds like that Hevay Metal that has so much influence with a characteristic voice game, dense sounds, as well as a clear invitation to move your hair.
Enjoy the 12 unbridled, hard, powerful and unmistakable songs of great Heavy Metal, at times reminiscent of Black Sabbath or Dio, what more could you ask for.
#HeavyMetal #Metal #MetalForever #UnitedStates #USA #EEUU #LeviathanProject #MCMLXXXII #NadaHayBajoElSol
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