
Craft Sword - Hyborian Age

Aftermath - No time To Waste

The Mighty Wraith - Elegies

Kaledon - Legend of the Forgotten Reign Chapter 7: Evil Awakens

Ginevra - We Belong To The Stars

Villain in Me - Reborn

Soturit - Myötätuleen

Demoralize - The Dragon's Call

Trial - Feed The Fire

The Mentalist - Empires Falling

Terra Atlantica - Beyond the Borders

Summerlands - Dreamkiller

Meteora - Of Shades and Colours

Headhunter - Tribute to Metalygy

Syryn - Heads or Tails

Blind Guardian - The God Machine

Tad Morose - March of the Obsequious

Crimsonic - Heartsbury

Dynazty - Final Advent

Casus Belli - Ad Calendas Graecas

Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying and The Dead

Opera Magna - Where Once Was Beating My Dark Heart